Saturday, March 8, 2008

I Spy - by kelly ann

My window is my glass.
My magnifying looking half-full glass. The glass window that shows
The World
My World
My World as The World.
When it rains for days,
My world mixes in gold-flecked daisies with those raindrops.
When the apple tree blossoms,
My quilted tree next to it pushes out kites of gingham and calico.
When the rabbits in the field next to the apple tree frolic,
My long-legged starfish perch under the quilted tree,
Stretching their legs to reach the rabbits’ passing feet.
When the boys next door chase the rabbits in the field next to the apple tree,
My fantastically oversized frog lies in wait for those boys-
Cage in hand, ready to capture those pink plundering punks and bring them back to his pad.
My windowpane separates My World from The World.
Sometimes combining the two worlds as one
Making it hard to tell the real from the more real.
Which is which?
I spy what I spy not what I see.

Which is just the way I like it.
Poem By:
Kelly Ann
Photo By:

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Dana’s “Senior Will” 2005

Kelly Ann – I’m going to “will” (whatever that means) you that one guy that we saw at Disney Land who made our heads bonk and got ice cream on our faces. I “will” you the sport of trash can mauling as our new sport. I “will” you all the crazy raccoons in my backyard who stop yelping when we turn on the lights. I “will” you the rights to watch The Phantom of the Opera with me while I play with the umbrella in an echoy hall and it breaks and sounds really loud (that sounded intelligent). I “will” you speed walking in the mall while walking with Rybran. I “will” you those crazy stories in our books and all those crazy movies we love watching, such as: Wonder Woman (original), Footloose (mosquito), Breakfast Club (you're a neo maxi zoom dweebie ), Wolf Man (scream), The Severed Arm (no blood), That Crazy Christmas Movie (elves with eye shadow), Donnie Darko (smurfs), and last but not lease … The 7 Lucky Ninjas (Your _! Your wearing no __!!! **crazy music sounds**). I “will” you all the dancing in the rain and hide & seek in the dark as long as you want! I don’t will you those killer hidding spots of mine (on top of the fridge and the Christmas tree box). I will you all the ice cream with moose tracks as you want and that one time that we were trying to eat ice cream in secret (like 3 yrs ago) and the ice cream fell off the spoon like 5 times but we ate it anyway. I “will” you all the shark videos ever made except Open Water…that movie should burn. I “will” you all the weed sharks and dead people in lakes all around the world. I “will” you my dad with his video camera footage of huge tall trees, one huge ant and some random ducks. I “will” you my mom who tried to kill us with 100lb’s of peanut butter. I “will” you the A sides tennis courts too. I “will” you a lot of sharpies and a lot of encouragement cards that counted down to Disney Land. I “will” you unlimited candles during Valentine’s Day dinners. I “will” you the snap peas and lighter for much coughing fun. I “will” you all the blue gummies in the gummy snack pouches. I “will” you new feet when you have frozen yours off by walking in the snow to much watching Jeff kill himself down that hill. I “will” you all the stares and mattresses that can make the perfect slide. I “will” you all the Spanish sitcoms that we can voice for, and Damian. I “will” you many monkey noises in the middle of the night out the window. I “will” you all the hider trees that have the potential of hiding kidnappers from view so that my mom could yell at us to be careful. I “will” you that guy who was outside our window at Bass Lake who climbed over that fence into the field of weeds. PORK MOTHA, ANGEL MOTHA! I “will” you Rybran’s laugh and our lil FOP. I “will” you that crazy guy in hot topic that seems to always be there when we are. I “will” you all the cat toys that hang from the ceiling and all the fishing fish that you can brand on the bathroom light. I “will” you the short ghost at the Haunted Mansion and Bamboo (Balloo). I “will” you that guy who said “FO FO FO” at Disney Land. I “will” you Organic Lima Bean Juice and those lil asian crackers my mom ate all the time when we were at Bass Lake that we used in that food fight we had in the living room. I “will” you all the debree we found in the lake and Rybran’s intelligent look. I “will” you the restaurant, El Sid and unlimited hot chocolate with Mexican and humming birds. I “will” you Lambert the sheepish lion. And last but not least, I “will” you my love forever and always!!!!

Jon Wat – I first “will” you that porcupine noise on my computer. I “will” you my right arm so you can keep up above my heart (so I won’t die) and so that you can poke my funny bone. I “will” you many crazy laughs while lying on your back in an ice skating rink place. I “will” you as many special notes as I can pass. If I had a wombat, I would will it to you. I “will” you “SCRATCH! CHICKEN SCRATCH!!!” I “will” you 17 e-mails on your next birthday. I “will” you the Mike Catching Net, so you can catch him anytime you want. I “will” you my family room floor, my trampoline and my swing. I “will” you as many back itchings as you want. I “will” you the sun, so you can be tan forever. I “will” you unlimited wining, when that someone is gone. I “will” you to watch the whole Band of Brothers without interruption. I “will” you 1,000 black mice just because. I “will” you all the time in the world and last of all, I “will” you my heart and soul.

Katie Good – I “will” you my love! Forever! I love you Katie Good!

Garcia – I “will” you a green cat named Wilber. I “will” you any CD’s that’s I have that you want. I “will” you a zebra, who is scared of the dark and can’t take showers due to a hoof infection that cannot be exposed to water and he only can drink organic savanna grass juice from the Savanna Squeez Smoothies and Fresh Juice Shop.

Megan Kamp – I “will” you all my love and fun memories we have shared since 7th grade.

(wow - good times)